Cleaning the Gym: Why Wiping Down Equipment Is One of Your Responsibilities

2 min readOct 26, 2021


If you’re serious about fitness and your health, then cleaning the gym equipment is one of your responsibilities. There are a few reasons why wiping down the equipment is necessary:

1) A clean gym makes for a more pleasant experience. Do you want to work out in a grimy, dirty environment? No! Cleaning the gym means that it smells better and looks nicer than if there was no effort put into it at all. This will get people excited to come back again and again- which will lead us to our next point…

2) Cleaning up after yourself helps keep the gym safe from infectious diseases like MRSA, staph infection, and lice. Let’s face it: nobody wants these things crawling all over the equipment! Wiping down gym equipment regularly will not only keep you healthier but also make more people want to come back for a good workout.

3) A clean space makes for a more pleasant workout environment which encourages people to come back again and again. This also helps prevent infectious diseases like MRSA, staph infection, or lice from crawling on equipment because no one wants that! Not only do these benefits help you stay healthy, but they’ll make others want to come back as well, so be sure not to skip out on cleaning up after yourself.

So, there are two main reasons why cleaning up after yourself is important, and we hope it’s something that everyone in the gym takes seriously when they see how much better it makes the place look and smell. Keep in mind, though- sometimes wiping can’t get rid of all germs (especially if someone else has recently used the machine!) so take care with what exercise you do on which machines; even try wearing gloves when doing exercises like pushups or pull-ups where other people might have touched their hands without washing them first. The key is just common courtesy and respect for others who want to enjoy a clean place for their workouts.

Conclusion: If you want to keep your gym clean and safe, it’s up to you. The equipment is not going to wipe itself down after use! It’s time for gyms everywhere to take responsibility for their own messes by ensuring the equipment they provide stays as sanitary as possible through proper maintenance. Don’t forget that bacteria can grow on surfaces if left untreated, so don’t let your germaphobia hold you back from what should be a regular part of any workout routine — wiping down all exercise machines before using them again.

